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About Us...

Our communities in the Midvaal area have joined forces with each other, the SAPS and Midvaal Peace Officers in order to eradicate crime in our areas.
Members are trained to assist the police in crime prevention and aim to do so within the boundaries of the law.

Our purpose is to get the community involved and to assist the SAPS to eradicate crime in our areas.

To assist our local police with intelligence gathering relating to crime information in our area.

To patrol our area and report any suspicious activities.

To assist Peace Officers and the SAPS in various planned special duties including Road Blocks and “Stop and Search" operations in our area.

To bridge the gap between the community and the SAPS and improve communication and public relations.

To monitor crime statistics, crime “Hot Spots” and follow up Crime Activity and Crime Information in our areas.

To raise funds in order to equip the Community Policing with essential equipment such as bullet proof jackets, radios, torches etc. How to Donate

To have regular formal Community Policing Management Committee meetings, documenting all matters relating to Community Policing activities, crime information, statistics etc.

You can Help...

Report crime information:

SMS any crime information to the Community Policing number 083 253 3863. Please note that this number will only accept SMS’s and Whatsapp messages.
Join the community Policing Unit in your area.. SMS the Community Policing number, mentioned above for more information.

Alternatively, Talk to your workers or employees and encourage them to report any illegal activities or crime information to you. Your information to us will remain anonymous and we will ensure that all information is followed up.

Help us to help you!

Donate to Community Policing


Nationwide Emergency Response: 10111

Cell phone emergency: 112

De Deur SAPS: 016-5909209

Community Policing SMS Hotline: 083 253 3863

Ambulance Response - 10177

Copyright: De Deur Community Policing

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